Injector cartridges are a commonly overlooked item for maintenance. They don’t require much care, but they also don’t last forever. Whether your fab operates in a “set and forget”, or tune after every PM mode, there are still things to be aware of regarding your multiport injector cartridges. And changing these parts on a regular, albeit long interval is an important part of accurate process tuning, and clean defect-free product wafers.
The actual seal of the injector is integrated into the internal bellows right up at the top of the cartridge. The flange at the top of the bellows seals the same way a VCR gasket seals. When the nut is tightened down on the bellows flange, it deforms the bottom of the flange against the sharp edge machined into the top of the injector body creating a prefect seal. Unfortunately this also means that the injector can’t be opened for maintenance as the bellows cannot be sealed twice.
It’s not widely known, but the entire inner body of the cartridge is exposed to the same gases flowing through the injector flange. Over years of service, these cartridges see a lot of chlorine during processing and chamber cleans and then are exposed to air during maintenance. Each cycle degrades the internal parts more and more. Over enough time the bellows can develop pinholes, and the springs can fail.
Saxony Thermal can provide new replacement cartridges that will keep your tools running clean and reliably for years to come. Each of our injector cartridges is machined and electropolished to exacting tolerances before being flow tested and calibrated. They are then packaged with a test certificate, and the needed shims to clock them to the multiport injector.
Contact us today to discuss getting your MPI running clean and accurately.