• Plug and play
• Quick installation
• Simple set up
• Complete replacement
• Replaces old optical sensors
Our seal plate clamp upgrade kit will completely replace your end-of-life seal plate clamps, as well as the unreliable optical sensors with modern sensors that are quick and simple to adjust. Best of all, they are plug-and-play. Designed to work with the Epsilon’s elevators, installation is quick! Simply unplug the pneumatic lines and sensors, replace the old clamp with the new and reconnect the pneumatic lines and sensors. Then it’s just a couple of quick adjustments following our included procedure and you’re back up and running.
Saxony Thermal is always developing solutions to keep your tools running even when parts reach the end of their production. We also have the expertise to install
H2 Detection
Compumotor Indexers
Transfer Arms and Gear Boxes
Temperature control boards